QuickSaver allows you to set up a daily automatic transfer based on your debit card transactions rounded to the next whole dollar amount.
We will round up the amount of any debit (Point of Sale) card purchase you make to the next whole dollar and transfer the amount in excess of the purchase amount from your checking account to a designated Savings or Money Market account. The change will be combined and a single transfer will be made at the end of each business day your card is used. There is no charge for the QuickSaver feature. See your Account Agreement and Disclosures for terms and conditions for deposit accounts.
Contact our Online Support team to register.
Upon enrollment, we will round up your MasterCard® debit card purchases to the nearest dollar and transfer the difference from your checking account to your American Riviera Savings or Money Market account. If the account enrolled in QuickSaver is converted to a checking account, QuickSaver transfers will continue to be made into that account. If you do not currently have a Savings or Money Market account, we will contact you to open one. We may cancel or modify the QuickSaver service at any time without prior notice.
American Riviera Bank knows and cares about our customers.