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(Idea Vault) - Reinvesting in your community sounds great, but how does one really put that into action? If you’ve ever wondered if it matters where you deposit your hard-earned money, let us assure you it does. Not only does banking locally support small businesses (community banks fund more than…
Continue Reading(Idea Vault) - Updated from July 6, 2020. It’s important for you to understand how and where to safely keep your money. Thanks to the FDIC, American Riviera Bank is one of the safest places to store your hard-earned cash. The best part? All you have to do is open an account.
Continue Reading(American Riviera Bank) - American Riviera Bank was once again a proud sponsor of the 13th Annual Radius Real Estate & Economic Forecast event held on February 28. Our team listened to expert analysis on the local and national economy, along with Radius's updates and insights into the local commerc…
Continue Reading(Laurel Sykes) - Do you still mail check payments through the postal service? If so, you may want to think twice the next time you stick a stamp on an envelope.
Continue Reading(American Riviera Bank) - ID Theft scams have been increasing drastically. Nearly half of all U.S. citizens became a victim of some form of identity theft in 2020. In 2021, there were 5.7 million reports of identity theft and fraud, up from 4.7 million in 20201. Recovering from Identity Theft can…
Continue Reading(Lori Murray) - Interest rates on 30-year fixed mortgages, the most common type in the United States, have increased to around 7 percent. It is expected that the Federal Reserve, or Fed, will raise interest rates another 0.75 percentage points next month, with more increases likely to follow in 202…
Continue Reading(Paul Abramson) - October is Cyber Security Awareness Month and our Chief Technology Officer, Paul Abramson, shares 6 ways to avoid common cyber scams for you and your business. Avoidable scams such as compromised emails, email impersonation, SMS text-based phishing, romance, and employment scams…
Continue Reading(Tony Meyer) - For anyone not in a long slumber, it is readily apparent that inflation has taken hold in the global economy, driving up prices of practically all goods that we purchase. From food, to furniture, to housing, costs are rising, crimping everyone’s budget to some extent.
Continue Reading(Laurel Sykes) - In the last few years, the calls I receive from a friend or family member of a victim of financial elder abuse have increased exponentially. People are looking for guidance on how to stop it, or how to recover money that has been lost. Unfortunately there is no easy solution, but…
Continue Reading(Idea Vault Blog) - A practical, workable budget is one of the most crucial tools in your financial wellness arsenal.
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